Sunday, 1 May 2011

Felting 3 - Day 28

I have created a felt background for the wall handing that I have been creating lately.

I have used a variety of different colours to make this backgound take small fibers of one colour and mixing it with another.

Felt background for wall hanging by StephieStephie
So the finished piece looks like this when I added the butterfly and flowers to it. I also added some stars to the sky.
Wall Hanging by StephieStephie

All that needs to be done now is to wet felt the piece when I find my rolling mat to help with the felting process.

Take a look at That Fuzzy Feeling which is where I got the inspiration to do this from. This is eventually going to be a gift for someone much much younger than me but cannot say who yet  :-)

Stephie x

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! That is so cool. I didn't know that you (meaning anyone craftier than myself) could do that with felt!


I love comments so thank you for commenting and reading my blog. Come back tomorrow for the next instalment! Stephie :-)

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