Sunday, 8 May 2011

First Etsy Item Sold - Day 35

I was so excited to find out that I had sold my very first item on Etsy YAY :-)

Marvin has now got a new home to call his on and is currently travelling on his way there.

Marvin the Hammerhead Doll keyring by StephieStephie
I am always sad to let go of the lovely things I have made but then I think how much joy they will bring someone else and then I am happy to see them leave. Also it makes more space for other things to be made :-)

I have also made a new banner using one of my photographs of the beads I make and the paint programme - very low tech I now but I don't have photoshop at the moment and paint does the job!

What do you think of it?

Stephie :-)


  1. Congratulations on your first sale Stephie..I'm sure Marvin'll be happy in his new home!
    Love your sparkly new banner!
    Keep up the daily blogging...even through technical hitches....its great!
    Ali ;-)

  2. OOo thank you very much. I am going to try my hardest :-)
    Stephie x

  3. Congratulations on the first sale!

  4. Well done you!! I'm still waiting for my first Etsy sale. I've given up now as its just not happening for me over there.

  5. Congratulations on your first sale. I remember mine and every sale since as been exciting too! Happy blogging!

  6. Thank you to all of you. I cannot wait to sell my next thing. Need to add some more things to my shop though but all in good time :-)


  7. Well done on the first sale!


I love comments so thank you for commenting and reading my blog. Come back tomorrow for the next instalment! Stephie :-)

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